大平修蔵、インスタ100万フォロワー突破 俳優・モデル・デジタルアーティストとしてグローバルな飛躍
2021.07.05 18:13
TikTokでは400万のフォロワーを有する大平。身長185cmでモデルとしてパリコレクションに参加したほか、雑誌「MEN'S NON-NO」の専属モデルとして活躍。『泣くな研修医』(テレビ朝日系)でドラマ初出演も果たすなど俳優としても活動の幅を広げている。
I really feel that people from various countries are being able to be connected through my Instagram.
When I think that a million people around the world are supporting me and watching me, I feel happy and ambitious, and also feel a sense of responsibility as an expressive person.
The warm-hearted and creative followers who share the things I like give me so much courage and confidence.
I would like to continue to send out the creativity that I believe in for everyone around the world.
Thank you for your support.
― 100万人のフォロワーにメッセージ
Thank you so much for your comments and supports.
I can't tell you how many times you've saved me when I was in pain by telling me that my posts make you feel better.
I'd be happy if I could share my power with you as you give me power!
While working as an actor/model/digital artist, I will try my best to be a first-class person first.
I'm going to be the kind of person who can make you happy when you see me in hard times or when you're in pain, so I'm going to keep working hard for your smiles!
― これから挑戦したいこと
僕がこの世界に入ってからずっと思い描いている海外での活動を視野に入れ、世界中の人たちに向けて発信しファンの方々にもお会いしたいと思っています。Digital bridgeというマイメッセージをもう一度心に秘めて、モデル/俳優/デジタルアーティストとして、1人でも多くの人の心を動かせる、そんな人間になりたいです。
I would like to send out messages to people all over the world and meet my fans, which has been my dream since I entered this world. I want to become a person who can move the hearts of as many people as possible as a model/actor/digital artist.
― 100万人突破した心境色々な国の方々が僕のインスタをきっかけに繋がっていってくれることが実感として感じています。
I really feel that people from various countries are being able to be connected through my Instagram.
When I think that a million people around the world are supporting me and watching me, I feel happy and ambitious, and also feel a sense of responsibility as an expressive person.
The warm-hearted and creative followers who share the things I like give me so much courage and confidence.
I would like to continue to send out the creativity that I believe in for everyone around the world.
Thank you for your support.
― 100万人のフォロワーにメッセージ
Thank you so much for your comments and supports.
I can't tell you how many times you've saved me when I was in pain by telling me that my posts make you feel better.
I'd be happy if I could share my power with you as you give me power!
While working as an actor/model/digital artist, I will try my best to be a first-class person first.
I'm going to be the kind of person who can make you happy when you see me in hard times or when you're in pain, so I'm going to keep working hard for your smiles!
― これから挑戦したいこと
僕がこの世界に入ってからずっと思い描いている海外での活動を視野に入れ、世界中の人たちに向けて発信しファンの方々にもお会いしたいと思っています。Digital bridgeというマイメッセージをもう一度心に秘めて、モデル/俳優/デジタルアーティストとして、1人でも多くの人の心を動かせる、そんな人間になりたいです。
I would like to send out messages to people all over the world and meet my fans, which has been my dream since I entered this world. I want to become a person who can move the hearts of as many people as possible as a model/actor/digital artist.
【Not Sponsored 記事】